Upgrade your browser to Web 3.0

Altu Bhosale
3 min readMay 21, 2022


The world’s first Web 3.0 Browser which allows you to interact with NFT’s and bring them to life. Different NFT’s unlocks different features on Browlser such as Web Scam Protection, NFT Animations, Default Search Engines, Unlimited VPN, plus a load more features.

-::-Why Browlser?-::-

Browlser is a new kind of Browsing experience (Web 3.0) that ensures that everything you do online is Private and you are protected at all times with absolutely no creepy tracking stuff going on behind the scenes – EVER! It is filled with features that have never been seen before in a browser and these include in-browsing Trust Pilot reviews, VPN, application locking, real time website scam protection, ability to animate selected NFT’s and lots more. We are adding new features to Browlser all the time.

-::-Browlser Theme NFT’s-::-

These are an example of some of the Browlser Theme NFT’s . These NFT’s are ERC1155 and ERC721 minted on the Ethereum Block Chain.

-::-Browlser Theme NFT’s-::-

The initial Launch will be March 2022. We will initially be releasing a dozen+ different NFT’s and by owning these NFT’s it will unlock features within the Browlser App including the ability to bring them to life with instant history clearing.

We will then release more Themes on a regular basis from just 1 of 1 to 1 to of thousands.

Browlser will also be partnering with other NFT projects to allow those project communities to take advantage of all the features of Browlser.

-::-Browlser Keyword NFT’s-::-

These are Keyword Owls. These are ERC721 NFT’s minted on the Ethereum Block Chain. There will only ever be one of each of these Keyword Owls. By owning a Keyword Owl, you will own the destination of that keyword whilst you own the NFT. So for example, if you own the keyword Shopping (with USA flag), you will be able to control the destination for whoever searches for “Shopping” in the US and clicks on the advert. Try it, search for “NFTs” on the Browlser App and see our promotion appear 😉


We will be taking Browlser out of Beta in March 2022 and will be giving away thousands of NFT’s. For more information on how to participate in this Giveaway, download the Browlser App from the Apple Store or from Google Play, click on Settings and then click on the “Free NFT Rewards” banner at the top of the page. Good luck 🙂

Smart Contracts

Smart Contract (ERC721):0x86cce3590a35f9e1b47e1e863755a0c79be23c58

Smart Contract (ERC1155):0x4495b62d984e83d22566d9f2bd9106c2f9e7e3ae

